Wednesday 28 December 2011

SWOT Analysis

Strategic Goals:
- Collaborate with environmental agencies (government and NGO)
- Subcon to LCC countries (Malaysia, Thailand, China etc.)

Project Closing


1. Compile a manual user handbook

2. Detail the drawing

3. Checklist for Quality Assurance

4. Handed down all the related documents to the production team.

Future Expansion.

1. Allocation of resources (eg budget, manpower, machine, material and etc) for mass production.

2. Award contractor for H2O installation.

3. Work with marketing department to make campaign to promote our product.

4. Collaborate with environmental governmental agency (eg. National Environment Agency, Singapore) & non-governmental organization (NGO).

5. Investigate the possibility to integrate the idea into a bigger scale to be implement in the whole plumbing system in high-rise building.

Risk Management

Risk Analysis:

With this risk analysis, we found out that there are a few changes needed in our schedule and budget.

The new budget:

The new schedule:

2nd Day Reflection

1. Today is one of our project engineer's birthday. Happy birthday.

2. We started our day with the recap of yesterday lesson.

3. We brainstormed on the "Causes of Project Failure".

4. Importance of communication in a project with a funny video shared:

5. Other knowledge gained today (budgetting, critical path analysis , responsibility matrix & schedulling) were posted in the previous post. We applied those knowledge on our project on H2O.


Following is the budget until the realisation of the First Article.


In order to calculate the Return of Investment (ROI), costs such as raw material, overhead, labour, machine, packaging, marketing and etc need to be taken into consideration.

The formula used for ROI: (Gain from investment - Cost of investment) / Cost of investment

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Critical Path Analysis

Although Microsoft Project able to display the "Critical Path" of project but, it is not able to calculate the Total Float. Float is the amount of time that the activity’s path may be delayed without delaying the overall project. Hence, a manual calculation is needed.

Below is the diagram of which we used for the calculation:

A: Team Formation
B: Build-up Portfolio
C: Understand User Requirements
D: Concept Design
E: Detail Design
F: Source for Material
G: Material Delivery
H: Prototype Fabrication
I: Testing & Improvement
J: Finalize Prototype
K: Prepare Site
L: Prepare Material & Tooling
M: Install
N: Testing

Microsoft Project

We were introduced on one of the very useful software for Project Management that is Microsoft Project.

In Microsoft Project we are able to:
- create our own Calender in accordance with the day off of the plant.
- create Gantt Chart of our project
- shows the critical path of our project
- able to show the total days needed for our project
- able to show the total resource cost

Responsibility Matrix

To ensure the project succes, one important factor would be effective communication between project team. Responsibility Matrix is used to tell the members the expectation from them and their responsibility.

Following is the Responsibility Matrix from our team.

1st Day Reflection

Introduction to:
1. Ideation & Design:
We were inspired by 2 videos shared by Mr Yap: Green School by John Hardy ( and “Deep Dive”.
Green School video introduced how John Hardy and his wife’s effort to build their dream green school by using only bamboo. This school teaches the students on the way to live naturally besides the knowledge available on the book. It inspires us to love the environment and protect it for the next generation.
Deep Dive tells the story of how the supermarket trolley being redesigned in 5 days by a group of designers from various backgrounds. From the video, it shows us the whole product design development from market survey, idea generation and up to prototypes building.
2. Project:
Discrete undertaking with defined objectives (often including time, cost and quality), finite project and defined goal.
3. Role of Project Manager:
·         Able to give clear instruction & priorities solution
·         Acting as a middle-man
·         Cooperation among team members
·         Anticipates change and stay relevant
·         Firm and steadfast in the decisions he made

WBS Mind-Mapping

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Definition: The simplification of the work into different specific tasks.
Hence, to further organize and define the work scope of our project, we created a WBS using mind-mapping as follows:

Waste water recycle system: 1st Phase

Project Objective: To maximize usage of water.

Users: Domestic households

System collects and reuses water from washing machines, sink and etc. The water is filtered and  stored in a tank before being used for toilet flushing or car washing. Water that is flowed out was collected in a tank for pressure build-up. When the required pressure is reached, the water valve will open and let a torrent of water to flow and generate electricity by rotating the turbine blade. The electricity is stored and then used to pump the water from ground level water tank to the respective toilet tanks.